Favorite sides for a Ham Dinner

Favorite sides for a Ham Dinner

favorite sides for a ham dinner
favorite sides for a ham dinner

Favorite sides for a ham dinner


The classic main dish of ham can be enjoyed with a wide range of side dishes. For a ham dinner, here are some of our favorite sides:

Since ancient times, when pigs were one of the most common livestock animals, ham has been a popular dish. In many cultures today, ham is still enjoyed, and it is frequently associated with special occasions like holidays and family get-togethers.

There are numerous varieties of ham, each with its own distinct flavor and texture. Country ham, honey-baked ham, smoked ham, and spiral ham are some of the most well-liked varieties. Depending on the kind of ham you choose, some side dishes might go well with it.

Despite its high sodium and fat content, ham is a good protein source. To ensure a well-balanced meal, it's important to consider the nutritional content of any side dishes you serve with ham.

Baking, roasting, grilling, and slow-cooking are all methods for cooking ham. The ham's flavor and texture can be affected by the method of cooking, so it's important to choose one that goes well with the flavors of the side dishes you want to serve.

Roasted vegetables:

Cooked vegetables are a heavenly and simple side dish that matches well with ham. Preheat your oven to 400°F before roasting vegetables. Olive oil, salt, and pepper are your favorite vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, potatoes, and carrots. Roast the vegetables for 20 to 30 minutes, or until they are tender and caramelized, on a baking sheet.

Mashed sweet potatoes:

Mashed sweet potatoes are an excellent sweet and creamy accompaniment for ham. To make pounded yams, strip and slash a couple of yams into 1-inch lumps. Bring the sweet potatoes to a boil in a pot by covering them with water. Decrease the intensity to a stew and cook for 15-20 minutes, or until the yams are delicate. Use a potato masher or a fork to mash the sweet potatoes after draining them. Add a pinch of salt and pepper, a tablespoon of butter, and a little milk.

Scalloped potatoes:

A creamy and rich side dish, scalloped potatoes go well with ham. Slice a few potatoes thinly and layer them in a baking dish to make scalloped potatoes. Combine a cup of grated cheese, a tablespoon of butter, and a cup of milk in a separate bowl. Bake the potatoes for 40 to 50 minutes, or until they are tender and the top is golden brown, in the milk mixture.

Green beans:

Green beans are a flavorful and easy dish to serve alongside ham. Heat a tablespoon of butter in a pan over medium heat to make green beans. Add a pound of managed green beans and cook for 5-7 minutes, or until the green beans are delicate. For added flavor, add a minced garlic clove and squeeze lemon juice.


Cornbread is a tasty and exemplary side dish that matches well with ham. To make cornbread, combine as one some cornmeal, some regular flour, a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of baking powder, and a spot of salt in a bowl. In a separate bowl, combine an egg, one cup of milk, and two tablespoons of melted butter. Stir the dry ingredients together with the wet ingredients until they are just combined. Bake the cornbread in a greased 9x9-inch pan at 350°F for 20 to 25 minutes, or until it is golden brown.

Nutritional information:

Roasted vegetables (per 1 cup serving):

  • Approximately 150 calories
  • 6 grams of fat
  • 23 grams of carbohydrates
  • 6 grams of fiber
  • 4 grams of protein

Mashed sweet potatoes (per 1/2 cup serving):

  • Approximately 120 calories
  • 2 grams of fat
  • 25 grams of carbohydrates
  • 4 grams of fiber
  • 2 grams of protein

Scalloped potatoes (per 1/2 cup serving):

  • Approximately 160 calories
  • 8 grams of fat
  • 18 grams of carbohydrates
  • 1 gram of fiber
  • 6 grams of protein

Green beans (per 1 cup serving):

  • Approximately 30 calories
  • 0 grams of fat
  • 7 grams of carbohydrates
  • 3 grams of fiber
  • 2 grams of protein

Cornbread (per 1 piece serving):

  • Approximately 170 calories
  • 6 grams of fat
  • 26 grams of carbohydrates
  • 1 gram of fiber
  • 3 grams of protein

Health Benefits of ham dinner:

Roasted vegetables:

  • a lot of fiber: Fiber, which can aid digestion and increase feelings of fullness, is abundant in vegetables.
  • Vitamin- and mineral-rich: Vitamins and minerals that are necessary for good health can be found in abundance in vegetables.
  • calories sparing: Roasted vegetables are a low-calorie, healthy side dish that can support healthy weight maintenance.

Mashed sweet potatoes:

  • Nutrient-dense: Vitamins and minerals like potassium, vitamin C, and fiber can all be found in sweet potatoes.
  • Antioxidant-rich: Antioxidants found in sweet potatoes can help shield your body from free radical damage.
  • Delicious: Sweet and creamy mashed sweet potatoes are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth without adding sugar.

Scalloped potatoes:

  • Comforting: On a cold day, scalloped potatoes are a classic comfort food that can warm you up.
  • full of calcium: Calcium, which is necessary for healthy teeth and bones, can be found in abundance in cheese.
  • Crowd-pleaser: Scalloped potatoes are a popular side dish for potlucks, family get-togethers, and other occasions.

Green beans:

  • calories sparing: Green beans are a low-calorie vegetable that can assist you with keeping a sound weight.
  • packed with nutrients: Potassium, fiber, and vitamins A and C are all found in abundance in green beans.
  • Simple to make: Green beans are a straightforward side dish that can be cooked in only a couple of moments.


  • Comforting: Cornbread is a traditional comfort food that can be eaten as a snack or side dish.
  • Option without gluten: For those who suffer from celiac disease or gluten intolerance, gluten-free flour can be used to make cornbread.
  • Versatile: Cornbread can be sweet or savory, served with butter or honey, or used as the base for other dishes like cornbread pudding or stuffing.

Important Notice:

While our recipes and health tips aim to provide valuable insights into healthy eating and lifestyle choices, it's essential to remember that everyone's health needs are unique. We strongly recommend consulting with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before making any significant changes to your diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or specific dietary requirements. Your doctor can provide personalized advice and ensure that any new foods or practices are safe and beneficial for you.

Decoration Ideas for Ham Dinner:

These side dish recipes will complement ham beautifully. Here are a few additional tips to enhance the flavors and presentation:

Roasted Vegetables:

  • Toss the vegetables with a bit of balsamic vinegar or maple syrup before roasting them for a touch of sweetness and depth of flavor.
  • Sprinkle the roasted vegetables with crumbled feta cheese, toasted nuts (such as walnuts or almonds), or fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme for added texture and freshness.
  • Serve the roasted vegetables on a platter or in individual ramekins for an elegant presentation.

Mashed Sweet Potatoes:

  • Add a pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg to the mashed sweet potatoes for a warm and cozy flavor.
  • Top the mashed sweet potatoes with a drizzle of honey, a sprinkle of chopped pecans, or mini marshmallows for a touch of indulgence.
  • Transfer the mashed sweet potatoes to a serving bowl and garnish with a sprig of fresh herbs, such as sage or parsley, for a pop of color.

Scalloped Potatoes:

  • Layer thin slices of onion or leeks between the potato layers for added flavor and complexity.
  • Sprinkle grated Parmesan or breadcrumbs on top of the scalloped potatoes before baking to create a crispy and golden crust.
  • Serve the scalloped potatoes in individual gratin dishes for an elegant individual portion presentation.

Green Beans:

  • Sauté chopped bacon or pancetta with the butter before adding the green beans for a savory twist.
  • Sprinkle toasted slivered almonds or crispy fried onions over the cooked green beans for added crunch and texture.
  • Serve the green beans in a long serving dish or on a platter, garnished with lemon zest or thinly sliced lemon rounds for a vibrant and refreshing touch.


  • Incorporate diced jalapenos or shredded cheese into the cornbread batter for a spicy or cheesy variation.
  • Serve the cornbread with a side of honey butter or flavored spreads like cranberry butter or maple butter.
  • Cut the cornbread into individual squares or use a decorative cookie cutter to create fun shapes for a visually appealing presentation. Remember to adjust cooking times and ingredient quantities as needed, and have fun experimenting with these side dishes to create your own delicious combinations. Enjoy your meal!

Variations of Ham Dinner:

Roasted Vegetables:

  • Herb-Roasted Vegetables: Toss the vegetables with fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, or sage before roasting for added aromatic flavors.
  • Balsamic Glazed Vegetables: Drizzle balsamic vinegar over the roasted vegetables during the last few minutes of cooking for a tangy and slightly sweet glaze.
  • Mediterranean Roasted Vegetables: Add sliced red onions, bell peppers, and cherry tomatoes to the mix and sprinkle with feta cheese and a drizzle of olive oil for a Mediterranean twist.

Mashed Sweet Potatoes:

  • Sweet and Spicy Mash: Add a dash of cayenne pepper or a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg to the mashed sweet potatoes for a sweet and spicy kick.
  • Maple Pecan Mashed Sweet Potatoes: Mix in a tablespoon of maple syrup and a handful of chopped toasted pecans to enhance the natural sweetness and add a delightful crunch.
  • Savory Parmesan Mashed Sweet Potatoes: Incorporate grated Parmesan cheese, a clove of minced garlic, and a sprinkle of fresh herbs like parsley or chives to create a savory and cheesy version.

Scalloped Potatoes:

  • Loaded Scalloped Potatoes: Layer crispy bacon bits, diced green onions, and shredded cheddar cheese between the potato layers for a loaded and indulgent twist.
  • Rosemary Garlic Scalloped Potatoes: Infuse the cream sauce with minced garlic and chopped fresh rosemary for a fragrant and savory flavor profile.
  • Gruyere and Ham Scalloped Potatoes: Place thin slices of ham and shredded Gruyere cheese between the potato layers for a decadent and savory combination.

Green Beans:

  • Lemon Garlic Green Beans: Sauté the green beans with minced garlic and finish with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice for a bright and zesty flavor.
  • Asian-inspired Green Beans: Stir-fry the green beans with sesame oil, soy sauce, and a sprinkle of sesame seeds for an Asian twist.
  • Green Beans Almondine: Blanch the green beans and toss them with toasted almonds, butter, and a squeeze of lemon juice for a delightful nutty flavor.


  • Cheesy Jalapeno Cornbread: Fold in shredded cheddar cheese and diced jalapenos into the cornbread batter for a spicy and cheesy variation.
  • Bacon and Chive Cornbread: Mix in crispy bacon bits and chopped fresh chives to add savory and aromatic elements to the cornbread.
  • Sweet Honey Butter Cornbread: Drizzle the baked cornbread with honey and serve it with a side of whipped honey butter for a delightful sweet treat.
Feel free to get creative with these variations, adjusting the ingredients and flavors to suit your preferences. These ideas will help you add a unique touch to each side dish and make your ham dinner even more exciting and flavorful. Enjoy experimenting and discovering new flavor combinations that will delight your taste buds.

Serving Suggestions for Ham Dinner:

Roasted Vegetables:

  • Serve the roasted vegetables as a side dish alongside the ham, arranging them on a platter for a colorful presentation.
  • Sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese or crumbled feta cheese over the roasted vegetables for added richness and flavor.
  • Garnish with fresh herbs like parsley, basil, or cilantro to enhance the visual appeal and add a touch of freshness.
  • For a complete meal, serve the roasted vegetables over a bed of cooked quinoa or mixed greens, drizzled with a light vinaigrette dressing.

Mashed Sweet Potatoes:

  • Scoop the mashed sweet potatoes into individual serving bowls or ramekins and garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon or a drizzle of maple syrup.
  • Serve alongside the ham as a dollop or mound on the plate, creating a colorful contrast with the main dish.
  • Top the mashed sweet potatoes with a pat of butter or a swirl of melted marshmallows for a touch of indulgence.
  • Pair the mashed sweet potatoes with sautéed kale or steamed broccoli for a well-balanced and vibrant plate.

Scalloped Potatoes:

  • Slice the scalloped potatoes into individual portions and serve them on individual plates or in a gratin dish for an elegant presentation.
  • Sprinkle some chopped fresh parsley or chives on top of the scalloped potatoes for a pop of color and freshness.
  • Accompany the scalloped potatoes with a side of cranberry sauce or apple chutney to complement the flavors of the ham.
  • Serve alongside a crisp green salad or roasted asparagus for a combination of textures and flavors.

Green Beans:

  • Place the green beans in a serving dish or bowl and toss them with a pat of butter or a drizzle of olive oil.
  • Sprinkle some toasted almond slices or sesame seeds over the green beans for added crunch and visual appeal.
  • Serve the green beans in a long, slender bundle on each plate for an elegant and sophisticated presentation.
  • Pair the green beans with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice or a sprinkle of lemon zest to brighten the flavors and balance the meal.


  • Cut the cornbread into squares or wedges and arrange them on a bread basket or serving platter.
  • Serve the cornbread with a side of honey butter or flavored butter, such as garlic or herb butter.
  • For a comforting touch, warm the cornbread slightly before serving, enhancing its aroma and softening the texture.
  • Accompany the cornbread with a bowl of homemade chili or a hearty soup for a satisfying and complete meal.
These serving suggestions will help you present each side dish in an appealing and appetizing manner. Consider the overall balance of flavors, textures, and colors when plating your ham dinner. Whether you opt for individual servings or family-style presentations, these ideas will elevate the dining experience and make your ham dinner even more enjoyable.


In conclusion, ham is a delectable and traditional main dish that can be paired with a wide range of sides to make a well-rounded, satisfying meal. Cornbread, scalloped potatoes, roasted vegetables, mashed sweet potatoes, and green beans are just a few of the recipes that can be used to meet a variety of dietary requirements and preferences. You can elevate your ham dinner and make it a hit with your family and guests by including these nutritious sides.

FAQs about Favorite Sides for a Ham Dinner:

What side dishes go good with ham?

When serving ham, several side dishes pair well with its flavors. Here are some popular options: Mashed Potatoes: Creamy mashed potatoes are a classic side dish that complements the savory taste of ham. You can opt for traditional mashed potatoes or experiment with variations like garlic mashed potatoes or mashed sweet potatoes. Roasted Vegetables: Roasting vegetables such as carrots, Brussels sprouts, or asparagus brings out their natural sweetness and adds a nice contrast to the salty flavor of ham. Toss the vegetables with olive oil, salt, and herbs, then roast them until tender and slightly caramelized. Green Beans: Steamed or sautéed green beans are a simple and nutritious side dish that pairs well with ham. Add some butter or olive oil and season with salt, pepper, and garlic for extra flavor. Scalloped Potatoes: Thinly sliced potatoes layered with a creamy sauce and baked until golden and bubbly create a rich and indulgent side dish that complements ham perfectly. Glazed Carrots: Sweet and buttery glazed carrots add a pop of color and sweetness to the plate. Cook the carrots in a mixture of butter, brown sugar, and a splash of orange juice until tender and caramelized. Cornbread: Serve some warm cornbread alongside ham for a comforting and delicious combination. The slightly sweet and crumbly texture of cornbread pairs nicely with the savory flavors of ham. Salad: A fresh and crisp salad can provide a light and refreshing balance to the richness of ham. Consider a salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and a tangy vinaigrette dressing. These are just a few ideas, but you can customize your side dishes based on your preferences and the occasion. Don't forget to consider the flavors, textures, and colors to create a well-rounded meal that complements the ham.

What are the best sides of Honey Baked Ham?

When serving Honey Baked ham, several side dishes complement its flavors. Here are some popular options:

Sweet Potatoes: Roasted or mashed sweet potatoes pair wonderfully with Honey Baked ham. The natural sweetness of the potatoes complements the sweet glaze on the ham.

Green Beans Almondine: Sautéed green beans with toasted almonds add a pop of crunch and freshness to balance the richness of the ham. Drizzle them with lemon juice for a touch of brightness.

Macaroni and Cheese: Creamy and cheesy macaroni and cheese is a comforting and indulgent side dish that goes well with Honey Baked ham. It provides a satisfying contrast in texture and flavor.

Baked Beans: Sweet and smoky baked beans are a classic side dish that complements the savory flavors of Honey baked ham. They add a touch of sweetness and a hearty element to the meal.

Cornbread: Serve some warm cornbread alongside Honey baked ham for a classic combination. The slightly sweet and crumbly texture of cornbread pairs nicely with the sweet glaze of the ham.

Roasted Vegetables: Roasting vegetables like carrots, Brussels sprouts, or butternut squash brings out their natural sweetness and adds depth to the meal. Toss them with olive oil, salt, and herbs, then roast until caramelized.

Spinach Salad: A fresh spinach salad with sliced strawberries, goat cheese, and a balsamic vinaigrette provides a light and refreshing contrast to the richness of the ham.

Remember, these are just suggestions, and you can mix and match based on your preferences and the occasion. Consider the flavors, textures, and colors to create a well-rounded meal that complements the Honey baked ham.

How should you serve ham?

Ham can be served in various ways depending on personal preferences and the occasion. Here are a few common ways to serve ham: Sliced: One of the most popular ways to serve ham is by slicing it into thin or thick slices. This allows individuals to help themselves to the desired portion size. Sliced ham can be served on a platter, arranged neatly, and garnished with herbs or fruits for an appealing presentation. Sandwiches: Use sliced ham to make delicious sandwiches. Layer it on bread or rolls along with condiments, cheese, and veggies for a quick and easy meal. Platters: Arrange sliced ham along with other complementary items like cheeses, pickles, bread, and condiments on a large platter. This allows guests to create their own sandwiches or enjoy the ham alongside other accompaniments. Cubes or Chunks: Cut ham into cubes or chunks to use in various dishes. This is particularly useful for recipes like salads, pasta dishes, omelets, or fried rice where the ham can be incorporated as an ingredient. Glazed: Many hams come with a glaze or can be glazed before serving. Glazing adds a sweet and flavorful crust to the ham. It can be served as a centerpiece with the glaze intact, providing an attractive presentation. Leftovers: Leftover ham can be used in a variety of dishes. Shred or dice the ham to add to soups, casseroles, quiches, or frittatas for added flavor and protein. Remember to consider the preferences and dietary restrictions of your guests when serving ham. Provide appropriate accompaniments like sauces, condiments, and sides to enhance the overall dining experience.

What are the traditional side dishes?

Traditional side dishes can vary depending on cultural and regional cuisines. However, there are some commonly enjoyed traditional side dishes that accompany main meals. Here are a few examples: Mashed Potatoes: Creamy mashed potatoes are a classic side dish that pairs well with various main courses, such as roasted meats, stews, or meatloaf. Roasted Vegetables: Roasting vegetables like carrots, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, or asparagus brings out their natural flavors and caramelizes them, making them a delicious and nutritious side dish. Rice: Rice is a staple side dish in many cuisines, including Asian, Indian, and Latin American. It can be served plain, seasoned, or flavored with herbs, spices, or vegetables. Salad: A fresh salad with mixed greens, vegetables, and a tangy vinaigrette is a popular side dish that adds freshness and color to a meal. Bread/Rolls: Bread or rolls are often served alongside meals to mop up sauces, complement soups or stews, or make sandwiches. Coleslaw: Coleslaw, made with shredded cabbage and a creamy or vinaigrette dressing, is a common side dish at barbecues, picnics, and fried food meals. Baked Beans: Baked beans, often flavored with molasses, brown sugar, and spices, are a popular side dish in American cuisine, particularly with grilled or barbecued meats. Cornbread: Cornbread, a sweet or savory bread made with cornmeal, is a traditional side dish in Southern American cuisine and goes well with dishes like chili, barbecue, or fried chicken. Pasta or Potato Salad: Cold pasta or potato salads are refreshing side dishes often served at picnics, potlucks, or as accompaniments to grilled meats. Steamed Vegetables: Steamed vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, or green beans, are simple and healthy side dishes that retain their nutrients and vibrant colors. These are just a few examples, and traditional side dishes can vary widely based on cultural and regional preferences. Consider the main dish and the overall theme of your meal when selecting traditional side dishes.

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