Scalloped Potatoes Recipe

Scalloped Potatoes Recipe

Scalloped Potatoes Recipe
Scalloped Potatoes Recipe

Scalloped Potatoes Recipe

Introduction and History:

Scalloped potatoes, also known as au gratin potatoes, are an all-time favorite side dish. Layering thinly sliced potatoes with a creamy cheese sauce and baking them until they are tender and golden brown is how this dish is made. The end product is a delectable and reassuring dish that goes well with any meal. In this article, we will discuss the components and procedures required to prepare this delectable dish, as well as some helpful hints and possible alterations.

The classic side dish of scalloped potatoes, also known as "au gratin potatoes," is French in origin. A cooking method known as "gratin" involves topping a dish with cheese, breadcrumbs, or butter before baking or broiling until crispy and golden brown.

During the 19th century, when immigrants from France and other European nations brought their culinary traditions with them, the dish gained popularity in North America. Scalloped potatoes are a popular side dish for roast beef, ham, or turkey at holiday dinners and other special occasions in the United States.

Scalloped potatoes are a simple, comforting dish that only requires a few essential ingredients to prepare. Potatoes that have been thinly sliced are typically layered with a rich cheese sauce and baked until they are tender and golden brown. Bacon, ham, or onions are some of the additional components that can be included in the dish's variations.

Because of their delicious flavor and adaptability, scalloped potatoes are still a popular and beloved side dish today. They are an economical and useful dish for any home cook because they are also a great way to use up potatoes that have been cooked before.


  • 4-6 large potatoes
  • 2 cups of heavy cream
  • 1 cup of grated cheese (cheddar or Gruyere work well)
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon of dried thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Set the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius). Put oil in a baking dish.
  2. Potatoes should be peeled and sliced thinly. Slice the potatoes as thinly as you can with a mandolin or a sharp knife so that they cook evenly and quickly.
  3. Heat the cream, garlic, thyme, salt, and pepper in a saucepan over medium heat. Until the cream starts to simmer, stir occasionally. The flavors of garlic and thyme will be infused into the cream as a result, producing a flavorful and delicious sauce.
  4. In the prepared baking dish, arrange the potato slices in layers. Make sure the cream mixture is evenly distributed over the potatoes. The potato slices should be thoroughly submerged in the cream mixture by pressing down on them.
  5. Place the potatoes on top of the grated cheese. When the dish is baked, this will result in a golden brown, crispy top, and a cheesy flavor.
  6. Bake the potatoes for 45 to 50 minutes, or until they are tender, by covering the baking dish with foil. Bake an additional 10-15 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and bubbly, after removing the foil.
  7. Before serving, allow cooling for ten minutes. This will permit the potatoes to set and the sauce to thicken, making for a really fulfilling and pleasant dish.

Tips and Tricks for Making Scalloped Potatoes:

  • Choose the Right Potatoes: Opt for starchy potatoes like Russet or Yukon Gold, as they tend to hold their shape well and have a creamy texture when cooked.
  • Slice the Potatoes Thinly and Evenly: To ensure even cooking, use a mandolin slicer or a sharp knife to slice the potatoes into thin, uniform slices. This will help the potatoes cook through at the same rate and result in a consistent texture.
  • Soak the Potatoes: After slicing the potatoes, soak them in cold water for about 15 minutes. This helps remove excess starch, resulting in a lighter and less gummy texture.
  • Precook the Potatoes: For a faster cooking time, parboil or microwave the sliced potatoes for a few minutes before layering them in the baking dish. This will help them cook more evenly and reduce the overall baking time.
  • Season the Cream Mixture: The cream mixture is where most of the flavor comes from, so be sure to season it well. Taste and adjust the seasoning by adding more salt, pepper, or herbs if needed. Don't be afraid to experiment with different herbs and spices to customize the flavor.
  • Layer the Potatoes and Sauce Evenly: When layering the potatoes in the baking dish, make sure to distribute them evenly and press them down gently to ensure they are fully submerged in the sauce. This will prevent any dry spots and ensure every bite is creamy and delicious.
  • Use High-Quality Cheese: The choice of cheese can significantly impact the flavor of your scalloped potatoes. Opt for high-quality cheddar, Gruyere, or other flavorful cheeses to enhance the taste. Freshly grated cheese will melt better and have a superior texture.
  • Let the Dish Rest: After baking, allow the scalloped potatoes to rest for about 10 minutes before serving. This allows the sauce to thicken and the flavors to meld together. It also makes it easier to portion and serve without the dish falling apart.
  • Experiment with Toppings: While the traditional recipe is delightful on its own, you can add a touch of extra flavor and texture by sprinkling breadcrumbs, grated cheese, or herbs on top before baking. This will create a beautiful golden crust and add an extra layer of deliciousness.
  • Adjust Baking Time and Temperature: Every oven is different, so keep an eye on the scalloped potatoes while they bake. If the top is browning too quickly, you can tent the dish with foil to prevent burning. Conversely, if the potatoes are not browning enough, you can increase the temperature or broil them for a couple of minutes at the end.
  • Allow for Leftovers: Scalloped potatoes are great as leftovers, so consider making a larger batch. Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator and reheat them in the oven for a quick and comforting meal the next day.

Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to mastering scalloped potatoes. Don't be afraid to experiment with different flavors, ingredients, and techniques to find your perfect rendition of this classic dish. Enjoy the process and savor the delicious results!

Decoration ideas for Scalloped Potatoes:

  • Fresh Herbs: Sprinkle some freshly chopped herbs like parsley, chives, or thyme over the top of the baked scalloped potatoes. This will add a pop of color and a fresh flavor.
  • Crispy Bacon Bits: Cook some bacon until crispy, crumble it into small pieces, and sprinkle it over the scalloped potatoes. The combination of the creamy potatoes and the salty bacon will be irresistible.
  • Chopped Green Onions: Finely chop green onions and sprinkle them over the scalloped potatoes. They will add a mild onion flavor and a vibrant green color to the dish.
  • Panko Bread Crumbs: Toast some panko bread crumbs with a little butter until golden brown and sprinkle them over the baked scalloped potatoes. This will add a delightful crunch and texture contrast.
  • Cheese Garnish: Sprinkle some additional grated cheese on top of the scalloped potatoes during the last few minutes of baking. It will melt and create a cheesy, golden crust on top.
  • Roasted Garlic: Before baking the scalloped potatoes, roast a few cloves of garlic in the oven until soft and fragrant. Squeeze out the roasted garlic and spread it over the layers of potatoes. It will add a rich, caramelized garlic flavor.
  • Freshly Ground Black Pepper: Grind some fresh black pepper over the top of the baked scalloped potatoes just before serving. The aromatic and slightly spicy flavor will complement the creamy potatoes.
  • Microgreens: Add a handful of microgreens, such as pea shoots or radish sprouts, on top of the baked scalloped potatoes for a delicate and visually appealing garnish.
  • Caramelized Onions: Sauté thinly sliced onions until caramelized and place them on top of the baked scalloped potatoes. The sweet and savory flavor of caramelized onions will add depth to the dish.
  • Rosemary Sprigs: Garnish the scalloped potatoes with a few fresh rosemary sprigs. Not only will they add a beautiful touch, but they will also infuse a subtle aromatic flavor.

These decoration ideas will enhance the presentation and flavor of the scalloped potatoes, making them even more enticing. Feel free to mix and match these ideas or come up with your own creative garnishes to suit your taste preferences.

Variations for Scalloped Potatoes Recipe:

  • You can substitute milk or half-and-half for heavy cream to make scalloped potatoes lighter.
  • You can substitute milk or vegetable broth for the cream and leave out the ham or bacon for a vegetarian version.
  • Try using different kinds of cheese, like parmesan or gouda, for a different flavor.
  • For added flavor, you can also add a variety of spices and herbs to the cream mixture, like rosemary or nutmeg.
  • Sweet Potato Scalloped Potatoes: For a healthier and slightly sweeter variation on this recipe, substitute sweet potatoes for regular potatoes. To give the cream mixture a warm, autumnal flavor, add cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • Green Chile Scalloped Potatoes: For a spicy, southwestern-style variation, add shredded Monterey Jack cheese and diced green chiles to the cream mixture. For more crunch, top with tortilla chips that have been crumbled.
  • Blue Cheese Scalloped Potatoes: For a smoky and savory take on the standard recipe, substitute crumbled blue cheese for cheddar or gruyere. For even more flavor, add cooked, diced bacon.
  • Herb Scalloped Potatoes: For a flavorful and fragrant twist, add chopped fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, and parsley to the cream mixture. For a crunchy, crispy finish, top with parmesan-and-breadcrumb-mixed breadcrumbs.
  • Cauliflower Scalloped Potatoes: For a low-carb, veggie-packed variation, substitute sliced cauliflower for some of the potatoes. For a nutty, cheesy flavor, combine parmesan and gruyere cheese.
  • Cauliflower Scalloped Potatoes: For a loaded and indulgent version, layer thinly sliced potatoes with cooked crispy bacon, diced ham, caramelized onions, and chopped fresh chives. For a melted, gooey finish, top with a blend of cheddar and mozzarella cheese.
  • Truffle Scalloped Potatoes: By adding truffle oil to the cream mixture, you can give your scalloped potatoes a touch of opulence. Sprinkle with a breadcrumb-and-parmesan-cheese mixture for extra crunch and flavor.
  • Crab Scalloped Potatoes: For a decadent and delicious variation, layer cooked crabmeat on top of sliced potatoes and a creamy cheese sauce. For more flavor, sprinkle Old Bay seasoning on top.
  • Pesto Scalloped Potatoes: Blend arranged pesto into the cream combination for a tasty and dynamic turn on the exemplary recipe. Sprinkle fresh basil and pine nuts on top for texture and freshness.
  • Curry Scalloped Potatoes: Curry powder can be added to the cream mixture to make it more spicy and exotic. For a touch of creaminess and freshness, top with a dollop of Greek yogurt and chopped cilantro.

Nutritional information of Scalloped Potatoes:

Due to the use of potatoes and heavy cream, scalloped potatoes typically contain a lot of calories and carbohydrates. Depending on the recipe and serving size, scalloped potatoes can have anywhere from 400 to 500 calories in a cup serving. Due to the use of cheese and cream, the dish is also likely to be high in fat, particularly saturated fat.

Potatoes are a good source of potassium, vitamin C, and fiber, which is a positive aspect. However, scalloped potatoes should only be eaten in moderation as part of a balanced diet due to their high calorie and fat content.

Important Notice:

While our recipes and health tips aim to provide valuable insights into healthy eating and lifestyle choices, it's essential to remember that everyone's health needs are unique. We strongly recommend consulting with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before making any significant changes to your diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or specific dietary requirements. Your doctor can provide personalized advice and ensure that any new foods or practices are safe and beneficial for you.

Serving Suggestions for Scalloped Potatoes:

  • Main Course Accompaniment: Scalloped potatoes make a fantastic side dish for a variety of main courses. Serve them alongside roasted chicken, grilled steak, baked ham, or roasted turkey for a comforting and satisfying meal.
  • Holiday Feasts: Scalloped potatoes are a classic addition to holiday feasts. They pair well with traditional dishes like roast beef, prime rib, or roasted pork tenderloin. They also make a delightful addition to Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners.
  • Potluck Parties: Bring a dish of scalloped potatoes to potluck parties or family gatherings. They are easy to transport and reheat, and they are always a crowd-pleaser. They complement a wide range of dishes, making them a versatile option for any potluck spread.
  • Brunch Delight: Serve scalloped potatoes as part of a brunch buffet. They work well with dishes like quiches, frittatas, or breakfast casseroles. Add a fresh salad or fruit platter to create a well-rounded brunch spread.
  • Vegetarian Option: Make a vegetarian meal by serving scalloped potatoes as the main dish. Pair them with a side of steamed vegetables or a crisp salad for a satisfying and hearty vegetarian meal.
  • Comfort Food Craving: Sometimes, all you need is a comforting plate of scalloped potatoes on its own. Serve them as a cozy and indulgent meal on those days when you're craving comfort food. Add a sprinkle of fresh herbs or a dollop of sour cream for an extra touch of flavor.
  • Party Appetizer: Create bite-sized portions of scalloped potatoes by baking them in individual ramekins or muffin tins. Serve them as appetizers at parties or gatherings. They make a delicious and elegant finger food option.
  • Creative Toppings: Get creative with toppings and garnishes to elevate the presentation and taste of scalloped potatoes. Sprinkle chopped chives, parsley, or crispy bacon on top for added flavor and visual appeal. You can also drizzle with a dollop of sour cream or a balsamic reduction for a gourmet touch.
  • Family Gatherings: Scalloped potatoes are a crowd-pleasing dish that is perfect for family gatherings. They are comforting and nostalgic, making them a hit with both kids and adults. Serve them as part of a buffet-style meal, and watch everyone enjoy this classic favorite.
  • Leftover Makeovers: Don't let leftovers go to waste! Use any leftover scalloped potatoes to create delicious meals. They can be transformed into a breakfast hash, added to omelets or breakfast burritos, or even used as a filling for savory hand pies. Get creative and enjoy a whole new culinary experience with your leftovers.

Remember, scalloped potatoes are versatile dishes that can be enjoyed in various settings and with different meal combinations. Explore different serving options and have fun experimenting with flavors and presentations to create a memorable dining experience.


Scalloped potatoes are a consoling and scrumptious side dish that is ideally suited for any event. You can make a delicious meal that everyone will love with just a few simple ingredients and some time in the oven. Give scalloped potatoes a try the next time you're looking for a new side dish to serve. You can always make it different and never get bored thanks to the many variations. The best part is that it can be made quickly and easily, making it ideal for busy weeknight dinners or special occasions. In this way, check it out

FAQs about Scalloped Potatoes Recipe:

What is the difference between scalloped and gratin potatoes?

Scalloped potatoes and gratin potatoes are both popular potato dishes, but they differ in terms of their preparation and ingredients.

Scalloped Potatoes:
Scalloped potatoes are made by layering thinly sliced potatoes in a baking dish and baking them in a creamy sauce. The potatoes are typically seasoned with salt, pepper, and sometimes other herbs or spices. Some recipes also include cheese, such as cheddar or Gruyère, which is sprinkled between the layers or melted on top. The creamy sauce used in scalloped potatoes is usually made with milk or heavy cream, and it helps to bind the potatoes together while they bake. The end result is a rich and creamy potato dish with tender, thinly sliced potatoes.

Gratin Potatoes:
Gratin potatoes, also known as potatoes au gratin, are made by layering thinly sliced potatoes in a baking dish and baking them with a topping made of breadcrumbs and cheese. The potatoes are often seasoned with salt, pepper, and sometimes herbs or spices. The cheese used in gratin potatoes is typically a combination of Gruyère and Parmesan, although other types of cheese can be used as well. As the potatoes bake, the cheese melts and forms a golden crust on top of the dish. The breadcrumbs add texture and help to create a crispy exterior. The end result is a dish with tender potatoes and a crispy, cheesy crust.

In summary, the main difference between scalloped potatoes and gratin potatoes lies in the sauce or topping used during the baking process. Scalloped potatoes are baked in a creamy sauce, while gratin potatoes are baked with a cheese and breadcrumb topping.

Is scalloped and au gratin the same?

The terms "scalloped" and "au gratin" are sometimes used interchangeably, but technically, they refer to slightly different preparations.

Scalloped Potatoes:
Scalloped potatoes are made by layering thinly sliced potatoes in a baking dish and baking them in a creamy sauce. The potatoes are typically seasoned with salt, pepper, and sometimes other herbs or spices. Some recipes also include cheese, which is sprinkled between the layers or melted on top. The creamy sauce used in scalloped potatoes is usually made with milk or heavy cream.

Potatoes Au Gratin:
Potatoes au gratin, on the other hand, are made by layering thinly sliced potatoes in a baking dish and baking them with a topping made of breadcrumbs and cheese. The potatoes are often seasoned with salt, pepper, and sometimes herbs or spices. The cheese used in potatoes au gratin is typically a combination of Gruyère and Parmesan, although other types of cheese can be used as well. As the potatoes bake, the cheese melts and forms a golden crust on top of the dish. The breadcrumbs add texture and help to create a crispy exterior.

In essence, the main difference between scalloped potatoes and potatoes au gratin lies in the sauce or topping used during the baking process. Scalloped potatoes are baked in a creamy sauce, while potatoes au gratin are baked with a cheese and breadcrumb topping. However, keep in mind that the terms can vary in usage, and different recipes may use the terms interchangeably.

Why is it called scalloped potatoes?

The term "scalloped potatoes" is derived from the use of the word "scallop" as a verb, which means to create a decorative edge or border with a series of curved projections. In the context of cooking, scalloping often refers to cutting or shaping something into a scallop-like or wavy pattern.

In the case of scalloped potatoes, the name likely comes from the way the potatoes are sliced and arranged in a baking dish. The potatoes are typically cut into thin, round slices that resemble scallop shells or waves, and they are then layered in the dish to create a visually appealing presentation.

Over time, this potato dish came to be known as "scalloped potatoes" due to the scallop-like arrangement of the potato slices in the baking dish. The name helps to distinguish this particular preparation of potatoes from other potato dishes, such as mashed potatoes or roasted potatoes.

What do scalloped potatoes mean?

The term "scalloped potatoes" refers to a specific dish made by layering thinly sliced potatoes in a baking dish and baking them in a creamy sauce. The potatoes are typically seasoned with salt, pepper, and sometimes other herbs or spices. The dish is called "scalloped" because of the way the potatoes are sliced and arranged, which resembles scallop shells or waves. As the potatoes bake, the creamy sauce helps bind the layers together, resulting in a rich and creamy potato dish with tender, thinly sliced potatoes. The name "scalloped potatoes" is used to differentiate this particular preparation from other potato dishes, highlighting its distinct layering and baking method.

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