Vanilla Roulade With Caramel Cream

Vanilla Roulade With Caramel Cream

Vanilla Roulade With Caramel Cream
Vanilla Roulade With Caramel Cream

Vanilla Roulade With Caramel Cream


A roulade is a type of cake roll made by baking a sheet of parchment paper, spreading a thin layer of batter over it, and then rolling it up with a filling inside. A decadent and classy dessert, vanilla roulade with caramel cream is perfect for any occasion or as a treat any day of the week. The outcomes of this recipe are certain to please.

 History and Significance

Roulade is a type of rolled cake that has been enjoyed around the world for centuries in a variety of ways. The word "roulade" comes from Switzerland, where it was originally called "biscuit roulade" and typically contained jam or whipped cream. Roulade, also known as "roulé" or "bûche de Nol," is traditionally served at Christmas time in France.

Roulade's Rise to Social Stardom

Roulade became well known in the nineteenth 100 years when it was a popular pastry in high society circles. The cake was a big hit at dinner parties and formal events because of its light, airy texture, and beautiful appearance. Roulade is still a well-liked dessert all over the world today, and it can be enjoyed in a wide range of sweet and savory flavors.

Adaptability: The Secret to Roulade's Timeless Charm

Roulade's enduring popularity can be attributed in part to its adaptability. To create a wide range of flavors and textures, the basic recipe can be modified in numerous ways. Whipped cream, chocolate, fruit, or even savory ingredients like cheese and vegetables can be used to make the filling. The cake can also be flavored with anything from coffee to citrus to chocolate.

Simplicity in Preparation: The Magic of Roulade

Roulade's popularity can also be attributed to its simplicity in preparation. After beating the eggs until they are light and fluffy, a light and airy batter is made by folding in the flour and sugar. After that, the batter is spread out on a baking sheet and baked until it is springy and golden. The cake is then wrapped in a filling, chilled until ready to serve, and then rolled up.

Lastly, the roulade is a traditional dessert that has been enjoyed for centuries and is still popular today. It is a popular choice for both formal and informal gatherings due to its adaptability, ease of preparation, and beautiful appearance.


For the roulade:

  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • For the caramel cream:
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Beat the eggs for about 5 minutes, or until they are light and fluffy, in a large mixing bowl. Continuously include the sugar and keep on beating for another 2-3 minutes. Add the vanilla extract and stir.
  3. Fold the flour and salt into the egg mixture by sifting them together.
  4. Pour the hitter onto the pre-arranged baking sheet and spread it out equitably with a spatula.
  5. The roulade should be lightly golden and springy to the touch after baking for 8 to 10 minutes.
  6. Turn the roulade out of the oven onto a clean kitchen towel that has been dusted with powdered sugar immediately. Roll the roulade tightly in the towel after removing the parchment paper. Allow it to completely cool.
  7. Heat the cream, sugar, and butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar dissolves and the mixture boils. This is how to make caramel cream. Stir in the vanilla extract after taking the pan off the heat.
  8. After the roulade has cooled, carefully unroll it and evenly distribute the caramel cream inside. Roll the roulade again, taking care not to squeeze the cream out.
  9. If you like, sprinkle some powdered sugar on top of the vanilla roulade before serving it with caramel cream at room temperature or chilled.
Caramel Cream and Vanilla Roulade are a mouthwatering combination! This recipe is perfect for any occasion and is simple to prepare. The blend of vanilla and caramel is an exemplary that never disappoints. Give this recipe a shot; you won't be sorry!

Tips and tricks for making the perfect Roulade:

  • Use eggs that are still warm: For a successful roulade, room-temperature eggs are essential because they whip up more quickly and produce a batter that is lighter and more fluffy.
  • Properly beat the eggs: For at least five minutes, beat the eggs until they are light and fluffy. To achieve the cake's desired texture, this will assist in the incorporation of air into the batter.
  • Select the appropriate flour: Roulade is made well with all-purpose flour because it gives the cake structure without making it too dense.
  • Distribute the batter equally: The cake will bake evenly and easily roll up if the batter is distributed evenly over the baking sheet.
  • At the appropriate temperature and time, bake: To avoid under or overcooking, bake the roulade at the recommended temperature and time. While the cake is baking, keep an eye on it and adjust the time or temperature if necessary.
  • While the cake is still warm, roll it: The cake ought to be moved up with the filling while it's actually warm, as it will be more malleable and less inclined to break.
  • Utilize a perfect kitchen towel: Utilize a perfect kitchen towel cleaned with powdered sugar to move the cake, as this will keep the cake from staying and make it more straightforward to deal with.
  • Before filling the cake, allow it to completely cool: Before adding the filling, the cake should be completely cooled. This will keep the filling from melting or running out.
  • Before serving, chill: To help the filling set and make the cake easier to slice, chill the roulade in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving.

You can make a beautiful and delicious roulade that will leave your guests wanting more if you follow these tips and tricks.

Variations of Vanilla Roulade With Caramel Cream: 

  • Chocolate and Raspberry Cream Roulade: Try filling a chocolate version of the traditional vanilla roulade with a tart and sweet raspberry cream for a decadent take on the dish. Simply replace some of the flour in the batter with cocoa powder, then fold in either fresh or frozen raspberries into the whipped cream filling.
  • Blueberry Compote with Lemon Roulade: Make a homemade blueberry compote-filled lemon roulade for a lighter, citrus-flavored dessert. For the filling, combine fresh blueberries with sugar and lemon juice while adding lemon zest and juice to the batter.
  • With Hazelnut Whipped Cream, Nutella Roulade: Make a Nutella roulade with hazelnut whipped cream for a rich and decadent dessert. Before rolling the cooled cake, add a generous layer of Nutella and finely chopped hazelnuts to the whipped cream filling.
  • Red Velvet Roulade with Cream Cheddar Filling: Make a red velvet roulade with a tangy cream cheese filling for a show-stopping dessert for special occasions. For the filling, combine cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract with red food coloring.
  • Maple Cream Cheese Filling in Pumpkin Roulade: Make a pumpkin roulade with a maple cream cheese filling that is sweet and creamy for a festive fall dessert. The batter should be made with pumpkin puree and warm spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, and the filling should be made with cream cheese, powdered sugar, and maple syrup.

These minor departures from the exemplary roulade recipe make certain to charm your taste buds and dazzle your visitors. Have fun experimenting with a variety of flavors and fillings by getting creative!

Health Benefits of Vanilla Roulade With Caramel Cream:

While Vanilla Roulade with Caramel Cream is a delicious and indulgent dessert, it's important to note that it should be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. While it may not offer significant direct health benefits, here are some potentially positive aspects:

  • Nutritional Value: Vanilla Roulade with Caramel Cream contains ingredients such as eggs and dairy, which provide essential nutrients like protein, calcium, and vitamins.
  • Mood-Boosting: Indulging in a delightful dessert-like Vanilla Roulade with Caramel Cream can have mood-boosting effects. Treating yourself to a well-deserved sweet treat can help lift your spirits and provide a sense of enjoyment.
  • Source of Energy: The combination of carbohydrates, fats, and sugars in the dessert can provide a quick burst of energy, making it suitable as a small indulgence during times when you need a boost.
  • Social and Emotional Well-being: Sharing a delectable dessert like Vanilla Roulade with Caramel Cream with loved ones can enhance social connections and contribute to a sense of joy and togetherness.
  • Psychological Satisfaction: Treating yourself occasionally to a dessert that you truly enjoy, like Vanilla Roulade with Caramel Cream, can help satisfy cravings and promote overall psychological well-being.

Remember, the health benefits of this dessert come from moderation and balance. It's essential to pair it with a nutritious diet, regular physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle to maintain overall well-being.

Important Notice:

While our recipes and health tips aim to provide valuable insights into healthy eating and lifestyle choices, it's essential to remember that everyone's health needs are unique. We strongly recommend consulting with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before making any significant changes to your diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or specific dietary requirements. Your doctor can provide personalized advice and ensure that any new foods or practices are safe and beneficial for you.

Serving Suggestions of Vanilla Roulade With Caramel Cream:

  • Fresh Berries: Serve slices of Vanilla Roulade with a side of fresh berries such as strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries. The tartness of the berries complements the sweetness of the dessert, adding a refreshing and vibrant touch.
  • Whipped Cream: Top each slice of Vanilla Roulade with a dollop of freshly whipped cream. The light and airy texture of the cream adds a luxurious element to the dessert and balances the richness of the caramel.
  • Caramel Drizzle: Drizzle some extra caramel sauce over the top of the roulade slices for an extra burst of caramel flavor and a visually appealing presentation.
  • Toasted Nuts: Sprinkle some toasted nuts, such as chopped almonds or hazelnuts, over the caramel cream-filled roulade. The crunchy texture and nutty flavor add depth and contrast to each bite.
  • A dusting of Cocoa Powder: Dust a light layer of cocoa powder over the top of the roulade slices for a subtle hint of chocolate flavor and an elegant finishing touch.
  • Vanilla Ice Cream: Serve a scoop of creamy vanilla ice cream alongside each slice of roulade. The cold and creamy ice cream pairs wonderfully with the warm and soft texture of the dessert.
  • Coffee or Tea: Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea alongside your Vanilla Roulade with Caramel Cream. The contrasting flavors can complement each other, providing a delightful sensory experience.

Remember, serving suggestions can be customized according to personal preferences and creativity. These suggestions are meant to inspire and enhance the overall enjoyment of the dessert.

Decoration Ideas for Vanilla Roulade With Caramel Cream:

  • Caramel Drizzle: Drizzle additional caramel sauce over the top of the roulade just before serving. Use a spoon or a squeeze bottle to create decorative patterns or swirls. The rich caramel sauce adds a touch of elegance and enhances the overall presentation.
  • Powdered Sugar Dusting: Sprinkle a dusting of powdered sugar over the top of the roulade for a simple yet classic decoration. Use a fine-mesh sieve or a shaker to evenly distribute the powdered sugar. This adds a subtle sweetness and a touch of elegance to the dessert.
  • Fresh Berries: Garnish the serving platter or individual slices with a selection of fresh berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries. The vibrant colors of the berries add a pop of freshness and create an appealing contrast against the creamy roulade.
  • Mint Leaves: Place a few fresh mint leaves on top of the roulade or around the serving plate. The bright green color and aromatic fragrance of the mint leaves provide a refreshing and visually appealing element.
  • Edible Flowers: Decorate the roulade with edible flowers, such as pansies, violas, or lavender blossoms. Ensure that the flowers are safe for consumption and have not been treated with any chemicals. The addition of edible flowers adds a touch of beauty and elegance to the dessert.
  • Chocolate Shavings: Sprinkle some chocolate shavings over the top of the roulade for a decadent touch. Use a vegetable peeler or a grater to create thin curls or shavings from a chocolate bar. The chocolate adds a rich and indulgent element to the presentation.
  • Whipped Cream Rosettes: Pipe small rosettes or dollops of whipped cream along the sides of the roulade or on top of individual slices. Use a piping bag fitted with a star tip to create attractive shapes. This decorative element adds a creamy and visually pleasing touch to the dessert.

Remember, the key is to be creative and have fun with your decoration ideas. Feel free to mix and match different elements to create a visually stunning presentation that will impress your guests.


In conclusion, the vanilla roulade with caramel cream is an exquisite dessert that is appropriate for any occasion. A light and fluffy cake roll with a rich, decadent caramel filling can be easily made by following this recipe's straightforward steps. This roulade will satisfy your sweet tooth whether you serve it at a dinner party or as a sweet treat at home. Therefore, give it a shot and show off your baking skills to your loved ones and friends!

FAQs about Vanilla Roulade With Caramel Cream:

What is the difference between roll and roulade?

In culinary terms, "roll" and "roulade" are both techniques used in cooking, but they have slightly different meanings.

A roll generally refers to a food item that is shaped into a cylindrical or tubular form. It can be made from various ingredients such as bread dough, pastry, or even thinly sliced meat or vegetables. Rolls are often filled with ingredients such as cheese, meat, or spreads, and then rolled up tightly before baking or cooking.

On the other hand, a roulade specifically refers to a dish where a flat piece of meat, such as beef, chicken, or fish, is spread with a filling, rolled up tightly, and secured with string or toothpicks. The roulade is then typically browned or seared in a pan and then finished by baking or simmering in a sauce or broth. Roulades can also be made with other ingredients like vegetables or cake.

In summary, the main difference between a roll and a roulade lies in the technique and the type of ingredients used. Rolls are generally cylindrical in shape and can be made from various ingredients, while roulades specifically refer to rolled-up meat or other flat ingredients with a filling.

What is another name for roulade cake?

Another name for a roulade cake is a "Swiss roll."

What is Swiss roll filling made of?

The filling of a Swiss roll, which is also known as a roulade cake, can vary depending on personal preference and the specific recipe. However, a traditional Swiss roll filling is typically made of whipped cream or buttercream. Some variations may incorporate fruit preserves, chocolate ganache, or flavored creams. The choice of filling can add different flavors and textures to the cake, enhancing its overall taste.

Why does Swiss roll crack?

Swiss rolls can sometimes crack for a few reasons:

  • Overbaking: Swiss rolls are typically thin and delicate cakes, and if they are baked for too long, they can become dry and brittle, making them prone to cracking. It is important to follow the baking time specified in the recipe and avoid overbaking.
  • Insufficient moisture: Swiss rolls rely on a moist and flexible texture to roll without cracking. If the cake batter is too dry or lacks enough moisture, it can result in a less pliable cake that is more likely to crack when rolled.
  • Incorrect rolling technique: Rolling the Swiss roll too tightly or using excessive pressure while rolling can cause the cake to crack. It's essential to gently and evenly roll the cake with a light touch to avoid putting too much stress on the delicate structure.
  • Insufficient cooling: Swiss rolls need to be cooled properly before rolling to allow the cake to set and become more flexible. If the cake is rolled too soon while it's still warm, it can lead to cracking. Allowing the cake to cool completely, often on a wire rack, is crucial before filling and rolling.

By paying attention to these factors and following proper techniques, you can minimize the chances of your Swiss roll cracking and achieve a beautifully rolled cake.

you should also try Cinnamon Rolls

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